ARGO in front of the Dept. of Information Technology
the writings in the background says 'Ingegneria', meaning 'Engineering'...
ARGO in front of the Faculty of Engineering
ARGO's interior:
you can see the left camera, the control panel,
the steering motor,
the on-board monitor,
and the two red buttons that are used in case ARGO
isn't acting properly...
Again ARGO's interior; now you can see both cameras
Hey: ARGO cannot read "don't step on the grass"!
ARGO during the MilleMiglia in Automatico Tour
ARGO during a hands-free driving session (Photo Melegari)
The complete team: Alessandra Fascioli, Alberto Broggi, Massimo Bertozzi, Gianni Conte (Photo
Copyright C.Pipenburg - Koln, Germany)
Again, in automatic... (Photo
Copyright C.Pipenburg - Koln, Germany)