Why Automatic Driving?
What does that mean?


                                Automatic Vehicle Driving is a generic term used to address a technique aimed at automating -enterely or in part- one or more driving tasks. The automation of these tasks carries a large number of economical and social benefits, such as:
  • a higher exploitation of the road network,
  • lower fuel and energy consumption,
  • reduction of personnel for people and goods mobility, and -of course-
  • improved quality of mobility and
  • improved safety conditions compared to the current scenario.

The tasks that automatically driven vehicles are able to perform range from the following:
  • the possibility to follow the road and keep within the right lane,
  • maintaining a safe distance between vehicles,
  • regulating the vehicle's speed according to traffic conditions and road characteristics,
  • moving across lanes in order to overtake vehicles and avoid obstacles,
  • helping to find the correct and shortest route to a destination, and
  • the movement and parking within urban environments.

The history of Intelligent Systems for automotive applications may be subdivided in the following 4 consecutive stages:
  • Systems able to save lives (Passive safety)
  • Systems able to minimize injuries (Passive safety)
  • Systems able to minimize accidents (Passive safety)
  • Systems able to avoid accidents (Active safety)